Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thanksgiving Point Gardens

I thought that $2 Tuesdays at Thanksgiving Point were so awesome! Unfortunately, everyone else in Utah thought so too.

We were planning on going to the Dinosaur museum but it was so packed, I couldn't believe the line went clear down the sidewalk outside!! The whole time I was thinking, "I totally should not have come all the way down here" but I had planned to meet my friend Katie that moved to Orem and I haven't seen for a long time. Needless to say, we decided to change our plans and go to the gardens instead. And boy am I glad that we did. The gardens are usually $10 for adults and $6 for kids so it was a total steal. And it is the type of place that there could have been mobs of people and we would have never been affected by it. It felt good that the kids were out in the open air for a good 3 hours, just running, rolling down hills, playing in the water, finding frogs and having a great old time. And it was so nice to catch up with Katie. So it turned out okay afterall.

Look at the cutest little outfit that my friend Chandelle made for Jasmine for her birthday, complete with matching bandana and even sandals!

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