Monday, August 25, 2008

Back to School...2nd Grade!

Shayden's school had a family picnic on Saturday night, they divided the kids by grades and got to play all sorts of fun games. It was a good chance for him to play with his friends before going back.

He was excited to go back to school. I can't believe he is so big.
There was a kid outside the door (going to a different 2nd grade class) that was hysterically crying on the floor, he didn't want to go in. I felt so bad for his mom and I was so grateful that my kids are okay being away from me.
As I drove away I wondered if there was something wrong with me because I wasn't crying hysterically, just a little bit teary eyed. But then I remembered that we have had some concerns about his new teacher and I think this comforting feeling was telling me that everything will be okay. I had a really peaceful feeling as I dropped him off and he seems fine, so I won't worry.
Except I will worry that he will lose his glasses :)

1 had something to say!:

Kierstie said...

wow shayden is already in 2 grade that is amazing
hope that you have fun i sure did when i was in 2 grade