Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Back to School Traditions

I wanted to document these so that next year I could know exactly what I did. If anyone has any other cool traditions, please share.
Mini Time Capsules
At the beginning of last year I had the kids fill out this little questionnaire and then along with a picture, roll it up into a toilet paper tube and wrap it in tissue paper.
I actually forgot about them and so luckily I found them in time (part of why I wanted to record this). We did this with our cousins and opened them on the night before back to school. The kids were excited to see what they wrote and they looked surprisingly different than their picture a year ago. Here is what they wrote last year, pretty funny. I think next year, I will have them first fill out the new form, and make the time capsules, before they open the old one so that the answers are more likely to be different.

Shayden's answers:
My name is Shayden
I am going to be in 1st grade this year.
The thing that I am most excited about this year is Science Class.
The thing I am least excited about is when it is taking a long time.
I hope my teacher is nice and fun.
My favorite thing about the summer of 2007 was when we went on a plane to see Brianna.
My least favorite thing about the summer of 2007 was when we were sitting in the car all wet.
My favorite piece of clothing right now are my flip flops.
My favorite toy is my fishing pole.
The last book I read was started Magic Tree House #1.
My favorite food is pizza.
My favorite movie is Transformers.
I hope this year I can do my best.
When I grow up I want to be a vet.

Father's Blessing-the night before

Read the "Kissing Hand" before bed- This is such a cute story, this year I decided to make this a tradition. Shayden's Kindergarten class read this and it stuck with him, now he asks for a "kissing hand" every now and then. If you haven't read it, go get it from the library, it's a good one.

Special Letter from mom- This year I wrote Shayden a letter (because he can read) going over some of my favorite memories from this summer. I also told him my hopes for him this year and how proud I am of him. I put it under his pillow so he could read it right before he went to sleep.

Pictures, pictures, pictures- Holding up the number of the grade they are starting with their fingers. By classroom, etc.

Red apple to Teacher- I may do the equivalent of this in some years (apple hand sanitizer from bath/body works, for example) but this year it was fun just to do an apple. The teachers loved it.

Pick Dinner- I let them each pick the dinner that they wanted to celebrate, Shay picked Lipton Soup (my one craving at the beginning of my pregnancy, funny) and Jasmine picked Mac n Cheese, so both were easy to appease.
Some years we may go out to ice-cream too :)

It seems like a lot but it was all pretty easy...

6 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

I am such a huge believer in traditions! How cool are those! I am so impressed and one or two of them I might steal! :) You are such a great mom and I learn so much from you. Too bad you didn't live closer and could be my tutor.

hugsnkissis said...

Hey Zildy, Those are some fun ideas, I love the one about writing your children a letter. Well I guess next year we'll have to start some of those traditions. P.S. that profile picture of you is pretty sexy!

FAB SIX said...

Those are such neat traditions. In my childhood my father would give us a father's blessing. I was finally able to convience Todd to give our kids blessings this year.

I might have to steal a few of your ideas and start some more traditions with my children for the remaining school years they each have.

Thanks for sharing!

Rachel von said...

Zildy, As usual you are my inspiration about being a good mother! What a good idea to have back to school traditions. I will definitely have to steal a few of these. Thanks for sharing. Rachel PS - When is your baby due?

Rachel von said...

OK I'm a dork and I just saw the widget on your blog saying when you are due. It's getting so close!

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

You are such a good mom! I'm going to have to keep these ideas/traditions in my mind. They are so fun. Jasmine looks so cute in those clothes!