Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pool Party at Night

I feel like the kids have been living in their swimming suits!

How nice that our friends invited us to their ward party where they rent out the Taylorsville Pool. Jonas and I didn't get into the water, mostly because it was a crazy day (Thursdays are my busy day) and I didn't have time to get my stuff together with the kids, but I kind of wish I had. It wasn't as cold as I thought it would be. And it's not every day you get to go swimming at night. The kids had a blast!

Hey Andersons, thanks for the invite!

2 had something to say!:

Jenny said...

A. Swimming at night
B. Having the entire pool just for your ward? -- HOW FUN!!

Also: loved the lagoon pics! - What a nice evening it must have been to send the kids off W/ Jonas! :) Mom did that once: Sent us on a week long camping trip out of state with Dad - we returned looking like homeless orphan kids... :)

Kierstie said...

i have never been there before the water park and it looks like fun