Friday, August 15, 2008

The Race is ON!

The race is on for the last week of Summer!

All summer Shayden has been asking me how many days before school starts and I have been counting them. The last time he asked me I said "20" and he said,

"then we better squeeze as much fun into those 20 days as we can!"

And he is right. Lazy summer days sipping a Popsicle? Not our idea of summer!

Neglecting my house and everyday chores for fun, fun and more fun? Well, you get the idea.

In my introspective, analytical moments, I theorize about how this need for me to do so much with my kids must be related to my own neglect as a child. Summer after summer, left alone to hang out with friends in my apt complex, watching t.v., doing nothing, essentially. Unattended, getting into trouble, bored. Not that I am blaming my parents, they did what they had to do to come to this country and I am so grateful for that. And I did get to go to a couple of fun summer camps. But not the kind of summer I want my kids to remember.

Not only that, but I have less than 3 months until this baby comes and suddenly I feel this urge to make sure I do as much with these 2 kids before I have 3, since I have no idea what I am in for.

So with only 6 more days to go, we have better hit the pavement and see get to squeezin'!

4 had something to say!:

Jenny said...

Well, you are doing a fantastic job - and it seems like it is a little fun for you to have these adventures as well! :) What impresses me is your creativity and thrill of the hunt (as in: Planning and finding great things locally to do together) How are you feeling?

This is Us! said...

My gosh, you are so motivated. My idea of summer is lazily sipping popsicles lol. I'm definitely impressed!

Yvonne said...

I too am trying to squeeze in what I can. I love your blog!

Sally said...

So what are your plans for the last six days and counting?? Does it include a Saturday socialization I don't have to go to?? hahahaha! You are right - we do need to get together. We have a couple of busy weekends ahead of us but what about the September 12th weekend?