Thursday, August 14, 2008

Swimming Lessons 2008

Shayden was in the Level 2 class and Jasmine was in Pre-level.

Shayden's teacher was Sabrina-I really liked how she interacted with the kids.
He did awesome this year, it is seriously hard to believe that this is the same kids that was afraid to go down the slide, even put his head under, just a few years ago. He has come a long way! I think a big part of it is that their dad takes them swimming a lot, even in the winter.

Jasmine's teacher was Bree. This was Jasmine's first year and she was very apprehensive about the diving board and the slide but she did try each thing once, which is great. She got very excited when she realized that she could dunk her head in the water! It's funny how I am not at all worried about Jasmine overcoming her fears compared to how paranoid I was about Shay at her age. Silly first time mom I was.

2 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

Swimming is so darn fun. One thing I love about Texas. So many pools. So many months of warm weather! Gotta love it! :)

Kailee said...

I remember swimming lessons...except that I was the most scared child in the world--I wouldn't dunk my head or jump in the pool. I probably thought I would die or something dramatic like that.