Well the first two weeks of summer where off track because we had family either in town or staying with us, which was great, so last was the first week that I could actually start a routine.

Well the first two weeks of summer where off track because we had family either in town or staying with us, which was great, so last was the first week that I could actually start a routine.
Posted by zeebee 4 had something to say!
Labels: Everyday
I have seen so many of these "open bounce" type places all over, (where they have all the big inflatables indoors) so I wanted to try one. I signed up for a utah kids club trial membership and I decided to take advantage of their 2 for 1 price.
This one was nice because instead of just have the inflatables, they also had one of their huge backyard playgrounds inside. My kids loved it!
Shay loved all the huge slides but Jasmine was not sure,
She did find this little one that suited her though:
Overall it was a fun time and I was able to get some work done while they played. Afterwards we went to Del Taco and had .49 cent tacos and then .99 milkshakes at Sonic, the peanut butter one is yum in case you haven't tried it!
p.s. hey if anyone has signed up for the utah kids club let me know what you think. It's a new thing (only a few months) but has like 5,000 members already. The link to it is here.
Posted by zeebee 4 had something to say!
Labels: Outings
My sister and brother in law got the chance to go on Trek again. Why people would willingly submit themselves to this kind of torture is beyond me (much less twice). Just kidding, everyone that I know that has done it has said what a great thing it was. This time their two oldest daughters are old enough to go so that means we got to take care of the 3 youngest. We thought for sure that my youngest niece would have a hard time since she is still quite attached to her mom, but she did great! It has been a fun filled week. Here are some highlights.
We went to a Radio Disney party at the Gallivan Center on the first day. My little niece has a mad face but she was really happy. It was very, very, hot though.
And this was the outcome of the party (and a one hour wait in line):
That day we also had lunch and ran through the fountains at Liberty Park.
That night we went to see Horton Hears a Hoo which none of us had seen still.
Then on Friday we went to Jungle Jims.
Posted by zeebee 4 had something to say!
So I have always suffered from some back pain but this pregnancy, I can't sleep! Plus I keep waking up on my back which is not good. I was wondering if anyone has any advice on those popular pregnancy pillows, the S shaped one or the wedges? I don't want to spend $30-$60 and then still not be able to sleep. Anyone?
Posted by zeebee 5 had something to say!
We found out what the baby's gender is! To make it a little more special, we did the same thing as when Jasmine was born: we told the ultrasound techs that we didn't want to know yet and so they took a picture and sealed it in an envelope. (They had to turn the screen while they were checking on it.) Then we got to come home and share it with the kids, my nieces, nephew, and my mom. It was really cool.
Posted by zeebee 6 had something to say!
Labels: Celebrations, Family
Great job girls! You did amazing, I am glad I got to go finally after all these years!
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Us: "Okay Daisy, it's your birthday, so in order to have your treat you have to wear this hat for a picture"
Daisy: I mean it, I'm not wearing this thing!
Daisy: "Fine. I'll wear it for one picture. You happy? Now can I have it?"
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Celebrations
This year we started a couple of new traditions. The first was making Jonas a Father's Day Tie. He got one a few years ago from our nursery leader with Jasmine's picture and now he has one with the 2 1/2 kids on it. He wore it proudly so I think he loved it, and we had fun making it. I think we will do one for each year.
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Celebrations, Family
This is one of our favorite festivals this time of year. It's all about things to do outdoors so it totally gets us into the swing of summer! Kid races, archery, ice painting, and the most colorful snow plow in the city!
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Outings
It has been such a fun week with my sister in law and 3 kids in town. They stayed at my sisters house so it was back and forth for us as much as possible.
The highlight for me was spending so much bonding time with my sister and sister in law. Sisters are awesome. I am so glad that my sister in law made the sacrifice and drove all the way here from Texas with three kids!
We did tons of shopping and went to the Olive Garden for a nice lunch.
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!