Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Baby Stuff

Okay there is still so much more to document for May but I thought I should update everyone on the pregnancy stuff.

Thank you for all of your well wishes in the comments, they make me so happy and I love reading them! I am so excited that so many more people are blogging now!! yeah!

I found out on March 6th that we are going to have another baby! I was so excited but of course I had to keep it under raps. I am almost 18 weeks along now (in 2 days) which means that I get to find out the gender on June 18th! It's nice not to have to worry about that so much though, since I already have one of each. It was so hard to keep things quiet that I started a little private blog where I have been able to write all I want about the wierd transformations and things that happen with pregnancy. It's been nice to have a place to vent.

We announced it to the family on my birthday weekend. We had the kids show up to family dinner wearing these t-shirts that I made since my due date is Nov 8th so close to Thanksgiving!

So I have the whole entire hot summer to look forward to, and then some, another first for me.
I was kind of nauseous at the beginning which has never ever happened to me (please don't shoot me) but now I am all better and enjoying life with a growing belly. It's been fun to feel the baby move so much sooner this time, probably just because I know what to look for.

What else?
We'll all see how we handle three kids instead of two, it will probably turn our lives upside down!! Especially after reading Jen's post about her crazy day with three kids!

oh and one more thing. a funny story because this one has to go in the books.
When we told the kids what was happening, Shayden was so excited. He is so much older now so he really get's it, or whatever. He had SOOOO many questions, night and day, he was full of questions and comments about the baby. Well one random day out of the blue he says:
"Mom, I can't wait to be there when they CUT the baby out of your tummy. I know JUST the TOOL they are going to use!"
Wow. What do you say to that? It was wrong on so many levels. Apparently we need to sort out the fact that he will not be there when the baby is born and exactly how this whole process works.
So I said "Well that's one way to have a baby but it's kind of hard that way, it is major surgery so it takes a long time to recover, etc." I had his attention. I went on, "The way that I had you and Jasmine is a little bit different than that....[pause]....and one of these days I am going to explain that to you!"
The end. And luckily he left it at that.

2 had something to say!:

Jenny said...

Thanks for the shout out! :) I laughed SO HARD at Shayden's response - has he seen Alien? LOL / JK - Good luck with that one, hope he doesn't think to ask again - I remember wanting to be at Mom's births - but I was never invited....

suefoutz said...

I love the T-shirts, very creative!! Your kids are so cute and I have no doubt that they will both be a big help when the baby comes. Ben really loves to see the pictures of Jasmine we really need to get them together. Just drop her off when you need a mommy break.