and check out this other goodie here.

Quotation marks posted this one
what exactly does Government inspected mean?
Posted by zeebee 2 had something to say!
Labels: Musings
Just a disclaimer, this is going to be one of those posts where I appear really dramatic. And don't worry, because in all reality, I really am that way, as anyone close to me can probably attest.
Posted by zeebee 6 had something to say!
Labels: Musings
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Celebrations, Family
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
This is the recap of our Valentine's Day celebrations this year~
Posted by zeebee 2 had something to say!
Posted by zeebee 4 had something to say!
Labels: Musings
The other night Shayden made dinner for me and Jasmine and put a little sign on the table, in case you can't see it, it says "Happy Valintiens day". It was so cute he named his creation "Gusto!" (it has to have that emphasis at the end) and it was salad smothered in ranch. Not bad. So I got my Valentine's gift early this year.
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Posted by zeebee 4 had something to say!
Early Head Start--my "other" job had a big audit by the Federal Government last week. It happens about every three years. It was a
humongousdeal! We all spend countless hours trying to clean up our client files to make sure they were all squeaky clean-it was kind of nerve racking because no one wanted to be the one that made us incompliant right? The reviewers flew in from all over the country right in the middle of one of the crazy snow storms we had last week and they were supposed to go on home visits with us but since I only work on Thursdays I was saved!~ But I still got to celebrate at Mimi's Cafe for dinner~check out my monstrous dessert!~ (sorry, I only had my cameraphone)
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Labels: Everyday
Last Friday I spent all day watching kids and it turned out to be a pretty fun. I had planned on spending the entire day just cleaning up, doing housework stuff but I got a call right when I got done working from my friend Jess. She was frantic because her babysitter just called and said she couldn't watch her kids all day as planned. Well, both her and her husband were stuck at work. I didn't have a way to go get the kids and bring them to my house because I don't have room in my car for 5 kids so I went over to her house and stayed there for the rest of the day.
This is a picture of their dog staring at me while I read my book (I read about 100 pages!). Who knew I could be friendly with a pitbull? He used to scare me but he is so harmless.
The kids played so well and the little-er ones even took a nap. They had fun together of course.
I left there at 5:30 and then at 6pm the kids started filing in for our babysitting co-op for Date night that we do on Friday nights. I had 8 kids this time and I was on my own, Jonas was working. I couldn't believe how smooth things went. No meltdowns during dinner, no fuss about clean up, intently watching the movie, and then they all went right to sleep! Wow, that was easy.
Here they are all lined up in a row (they did that themselves) watching Stuart Little 2.
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Labels: Everyday
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Musings