Just a disclaimer, this is going to be one of those posts where I appear really dramatic. And don't worry, because in all reality, I really am that way, as anyone close to me can probably attest.
To read one book each quarter. Check for the first quarter 2008. And then some. I have been reading the autobiography of Barack Obama since October of last year! So I obviously had a head start on the book that I read this quarter. I finally finished it (and I was really proud of myself) and then what happens?

Ok where was I?
I was at a work socialization (the name for when we get together with families in the program and do fun activities) this one was at the Little Gym in SLC, when my co-worker Sarah says to my other co-worker Sally, "are you reading that book again?". That's when I noticed the book she was holding and chimed in "oh, I've heard of that series..." Really I had just read on more than one blog what good books they were, and had no idea what they were about. Instantly she practically threw the book in my hands and said "here, take it, read it, if you borrow it than I won't be able read it!" She acted like the book had some sort of power over her. Little did I know the spellbinding powers this book actually possessed. I took the book home with me and ignored it for the rest of the day. I had already put a couple of books on hold at the library that were next on my list, but that was all changed with this little twist of fate.
The next day, Sunday, I only had about 1 1/2 hours to read, since it was my dad's birthday party and we made Gumbo for it, plus church responsibilities, etc. Not a big deal, it seemed easy enough to put down. And a storyline that I would never have pictures myself reading about...vampires? please.
But the next day was a different story. Can I tell you how much I had on my to do list this week? We had our old renters move out and new renters move in within a 2 day period and I had sooo much to do for that plus our carpets upstairs and down were getting cleaned, plus I was helping watch my friends kids for both Monday and Tuesday, missionary discussions, taxes woes, etc etc etc!!! But no, oh no...all that was put on hold (except the apt, which there was no getting out of), while I frantically read every second that I could. "Just 15 minutes" I would say and then painfully close it 1 hour later...it was aweful! Aweful in a wonderful sort of way.
I kept getting mad at the book and the author for making it so captivating and at myself for allowing myself to get so spellbound over it. I kept trying to break free from it's chains but then I would just get sucked in again...so finally last night I decided that was it! The sooner I just gave in and finished the darned thing, the sooner I could be free to live my life again...that is until I borrow the next one....
Anyhow, I fell asleep last night but I finished the last few pages this morning.
So a warning...it is seductive and captivating...and wonderfuly dangerous to read this book!
hmm...it took me 4 long months to read one [good] book, but yet I could turn around and read this one in 3 days! I guess I'm a sucker for fiction (no pun intended)
Either way, I am glad to be able to mark one thing off my list for now, and to have my life back for a little while.
p.s. on another note, I mentioned the loss of our renters this week. Well, along with them, we are mourning the loss of our DVR...oh my how I will miss it...so I guess now that I am down to like 5 channels I will have a lot more time for reading?
6 had something to say!:
AHHH! I love Twilight, but I haven't read #3 (Eclipse) yet. It is always gone at the libraries and I don't usually spend money on books!
Sorry about the DVR. :(
Oh!! I have read all 3 books and I'am anxiously waiting for the 4th one that comes out in August 2, 2008. And their is also a movie in the works about the 1st book. Go into stephaniemeyers.com and get the scoop on the new book and the movie.
Luvs, Yad
I love you! Your sooo funny. I know the twighlight books are crazy addictive its scary. And you look a lot like your dad, hes cute! And yes my dogs from mexico and only speaks spanish.
Okay, so you're the 3rd person I've heard say this about these books...guess I'd better check them out! But not until I'm done with my current books!
What happened to your DVR? I don't know what I'd do without my TiVo!
I definitely need to read these books. Maybe I will treat myself this week to a new book, there are few things I love more than a new book. I have problems checking them out at the library because who knows where they have been, you know?
Twilight is such a gooooood book!!! Very intriguing. It came at the perfect time now that Harry Potter is over. I've read all three and am anxiously waiting for the fourth.
p.s. the books just get more captivating with each one. BEWARE!!
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