Sunday, February 10, 2008

My 100th Post and Happy Birthday!

Yeah! I can't believe this is my 100th post. And I was thinking, this is pretty close to my blogs one year birthday too, because it was about this time last year that I started on this little project. So I went back and looked at the date and my first post was on February 10th 2007! It was so funny because I was like "wait a minute, that is today!". Yes, I didn't know what day it was. So this post represents my 100th post and my blog's 1 year old birthday.

Happy Birthday to My HaPpy PlaCe!

It took a year but suddenly there are more people in my life starting to blog too! Just this week 3 of my friends said they have started one, that is the best birthday present my blog could ask for. It had been such a fun way to keep in touch with people I don't see very often and people that I do see often. I love finding out what other people are up to in the everyday of their lives.
And I love reading people's comments! (hint, hint)

Blogging is fun!

Btw, I found the coolest way to make personlized candy hearts in honor of Valentine's Day right around the corner!

It's fun so try it out:

4 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

Happy Blogversary! :) I missed my 100th post and my year mark. Oh well...My poor, neglected blog. I love it that you blog! I really feel closest to you because I get to experience your life through your blog's eyes! Love ya.

Kailee said...

yay! congrats on your blog! i don't have nearly as many posts as you do but oh well. be happy because i am leaving a COMMENT!!!

Andersons said...

Happy blog birthday! Your the best zildy, I love looking at your blog. You have the cutest family. Im so glad I met you way back in good ol jet blue training days!

Angie said...

Hi Zildy! I'm glad you found my blog and I'm glad I found yours! You have such cute kids. I still remember Shay being the cutest baby ever! And I'm sure I would've thought that about Jasmine too if I had seen her as a baby. Her beads are so cute!