What a beautiful Easter Sunday it has been. Today when I came out of my dungeon (what I affectionately call my office downstairs), the sun was shining and the birds were singing!
I know I am biased but I think my kids looked so adorable in their little Easter outfits. And the best part about it is that they were thrift store specials~Jasmine's dress was $4! So was her sweater, and Shayden's shirt. That makes it 10 times better for me, because I am weird like that. I also made Jasmine's bows, and she is always asking me if I made things with my own hands and I am always disappointing her by saying "no, I bought them at the store," so this time I was able to say yes!
We went to family dinner at my sister's house and the kids did their traditional Easter egg hunt for the kids. So what they lacked yesterday, they made up for today, let me tell you. I think the kids said they hid like 120 or so eggs! It was crazy. But the cousins are so sweet to take the time and do this each year. I have to blog about my Guatemala skirt that I wore today. It is so special to me because it was my one big purchase while I was there and I haven't worn it in the whole 5 months that we have been back. I saw it one day at the market and fell in love with it but wasn't quite sure. Then the last day that we were there, I hadn't found another one that I loved more, so I begged my dad to take me back to the market and it was still there! They don't mass produce things like this, so I was lucky that it was there since it was the only one. I love it.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Easter Sunday
Posted by zeebee 4 had something to say!
Labels: Family, Holidays, Traditions
My first missionary experience
About 3 months ago the missionaries approached us and asked to do a little lesson in our home. They said that they were meeting with all the leaders of the auxiliaries to teach a lesson on the Restoration and to find out if we knew of anyone in the area who could be taught. At this time Jonas had started teaching the young men in our ward and he told them of a boy that had been to a few activities and had wonderful questions about the gospel. We gave them that name and one other, and they were on their way. A month of so later, we got a visit from new missionaries now, who were wondering about this family. They asked if we would still be willing to help teach this boy, Jesus, if he was interested. We said yes of course, and that we could have the discussions at our home if they wanted. Well, that got the ball rolling into the first missionary experience that I have ever had. I truly had no idea what I was getting myself into. I have prayed for an experience like this and I am so grateful that I was finally able to go through this wonderful process.
Turns out that Jesus' mom Cristina also wanted the discussions! The only problem is that she only speaks Spanish and Jesus does not want to go to a Spanish speaking branch, so the only option was for me to translate everything. This has been such a trial for me as my Spanish is fine, but not excellent, and then translation is another story. It is very difficult to do. But I really have felt the spirit of the Lord helping me as I do this. There was one particular Sunday that was really special. It was fast Sunday and people were bearing their testimonies and I just felt like everything said was just what she needed to hear and it was so easy to translate, like the words just flowed out of my mouth with ease. It was hard to contain the tears and after a while I stopped trying.
Jonas was right about Jesus. From the beginning he amazed us with his desire to learn. He is at a difficult age (11) and I hope he can get through the trials of peer pressure and bad influences, etc. At the very first meeting, he told us that he loved his mom so much and all his life he just wanted to make her happy. How sweet is that? Well as time went on it became apparent that he was doing that very thing, because if it wasn't for him, we may not have found his mother. And now she has the tools to be happy forever.
So it has been a pretty amazing couple of months as we have all seen the light that has started to burn more brightly within them, what a wonderful thing to be a part of. Yesterday was the Baptism, and it was such a spiritual experience. Jesus' cousin Andrea was also able to be baptized with them as she turned 8 last year. I was able to give the talk on Baptism and translate for the rest of the time. It was wonderful.
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Musings
Easter Saturday
I'm not sure what to call this day, I think last year I called it Spring Day, but the Saturday before Easter is when we do all the Easter Bunny/secular holiday stuff. This is so that we can leave the religious, sacred (more important) part of the holiday for Easter Sunday.

Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Family, Holidays, Outings, Traditions
Spring Break 2008
The first day of spring break was Thursday but since I work all day on Thursday we didn't really get to do anything special or fun. I was going to move my work day to Tuesday this week, but then Leah and her family came to see us and we all would rather play with them of course!
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The Wizard of Oz
Last night the kids and I drove down to Kaysville with my parents to see my cute little niece in her school's play. She was the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz and she did an awesome job!
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Labels: Family
Fuzell Shoes
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
One Fun Day
My wonderful friend Leah (that lives in Idaho) came for a quick one day visit on Tuesday!In the morning I met her at the Red Lion Hotel where they stayed the night before and Leah and I just did our hair and talked and primped while the kids watched the Disney channel. It was so fun. We were supposed to go swimming but turns out the pool was an outdoor pool. Too cold for that. Bummer. Then we went to the Main Library downtown and played there for a good while. We read books and the kids played on the computers while we talked.
After that we went home to get ready for Josh's (Leah's husband) birthday celebration, we basically just sang to him over donuts and danish. But they went out to eat at an Indian restaurant and I stayed and watched all the kids who just played happily. You should have seen the boys, the minute Shayden came home from school he was off and the boys played for 4 hours strait. The girls weren't as enthusiastic about playing together but they are definately improving. I say they will be good friends down the road.
When they got back they had to go and the day ended all too quickly!
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Labels: Outings
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Jen's Wedding!
One of my favorite people got married yesterday. She was so graceful and beautiful she looked like she could be a bride for a living. The day went so perfectly, in the morning we all feared rain or even snow but it held off for all the picture taking at the temple and everything! It was overcast, so a bit chilly, but I bet her pictures are going to turn out beautifully, not only because of that, but because she happens to be the most photogenic person I know!
The temple ceremony was so touching, when I saw her face for the first time she was so lit up! I couldn't believe the sealer talked about ancestors, and how there were there in that very room with us, at that point there were a lot of tears because Jen had just lost her grandmother one month prior, and they were so close. The don't think the sealer knew that.
The luncheon was gorgeous and we got to catch up with a lot of good friends I hadn't seen for so long, it was awesome.
Our friend Susan make the wedding cake! She is not a professional cake maker but after this she better make her business cards.
It was all so beautiful and I am so happy for my cute little Jenny. Her and Brandon will be so happy together, and they will live so close to us, we will be able to see each other often I hope.
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Labels: Celebrations
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Successful Mothering Convention
We got 2 different kinds of massages, got to try all sorts of new products, entered lot's of cool contests and of course went to some pretty amazing classes. I think my favorite one was the one about marriage, the speaker was very captivating.
When we got there in the morning it was a bit windy but when we left to go home it was a blizzard! I feared for my life the whole way home.
I took my camara so that I could get a pictures of us together outside the building but this is all I got~the two of us silly and freezing in her car! And it is the best one I could get, I tried a bunch of times. It was so funny.
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Labels: Celebrations, Parties
I had to post that about a week ago I finished the rest of the Twilight series, I can't wait for the movie and the 4th book to come out!
Posted by zeebee 5 had something to say!
Labels: Outings
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Because We Sing!
My friend Jen has been raving about this men's choir led by Marrilee Webb, so last Christmas I gave Jonas the news that I had joined him since I knew he would never do it out of his own accord. He says he can't really sing, but I know otherwise.

~and check out the CD cover that Jen designed herself~she is awesome!

Posted by zeebee 4 had something to say!
Labels: Family