Sunday, March 16, 2008

Successful Mothering Convention

I forgot to post about the wonderful mother's conference I went to on March 1st. This is my 3rd year going and it was a bit different this year as the managment of it changed hands, but I still got so much valuable information. There is something about being at a conference where everyone has some commonality, that lifts your spirits and gives you motivation to be better. Plus this year, I got to go with my lovely sister Li, and we bonded all day! It was such a fun sister's day and I am reminded of how lucky I am that we live so close to each other. We are nine years apart and we are opposites on so many things it is funny, but we are still such good friends.
We got 2 different kinds of massages, got to try all sorts of new products, entered lot's of cool contests and of course went to some pretty amazing classes. I think my favorite one was the one about marriage, the speaker was very captivating.
When we got there in the morning it was a bit windy but when we left to go home it was a blizzard! I feared for my life the whole way home.
I took my camara so that I could get a pictures of us together outside the building but this is all I got~the two of us silly and freezing in her car! And it is the best one I could get, I tried a bunch of times. It was so funny.

0 had something to say!: