Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Jen's Wedding!

One of my favorite people got married yesterday. She was so graceful and beautiful she looked like she could be a bride for a living. The day went so perfectly, in the morning we all feared rain or even snow but it held off for all the picture taking at the temple and everything! It was overcast, so a bit chilly, but I bet her pictures are going to turn out beautifully, not only because of that, but because she happens to be the most photogenic person I know!
The temple ceremony was so touching, when I saw her face for the first time she was so lit up! I couldn't believe the sealer talked about ancestors, and how there were there in that very room with us, at that point there were a lot of tears because Jen had just lost her grandmother one month prior, and they were so close. The don't think the sealer knew that.
The luncheon was gorgeous and we got to catch up with a lot of good friends I hadn't seen for so long, it was awesome.
Our friend Susan make the wedding cake! She is not a professional cake maker but after this she better make her business cards.

It was all so beautiful and I am so happy for my cute little Jenny. Her and Brandon will be so happy together, and they will live so close to us, we will be able to see each other often I hope.

0 had something to say!: