Sunday, March 23, 2008

Spring Break 2008

The first day of spring break was Thursday but since I work all day on Thursday we didn't really get to do anything special or fun. I was going to move my work day to Tuesday this week, but then Leah and her family came to see us and we all would rather play with them of course!

So Friday morning Jasmine still went to preschool while Shay and I ran errands and then we met our friends at the local Artic Circle playland to have lunch and play. It was nice to talk to my friend Nicole as I hardly ever see her, even though we live in the same neighborhood practically. Then later we went to see the Easter bunny at the mall since I have been a slacker mom this year and hadn't taken them yet. Not that I even like the whole Easter bunny tradition that much. I can't stand that for a lot of kids it is like Christmas all over again with all the toys, and I don't like that all these whimsical characters get all the credit for everything.
Okay off of my soap box.
The whole way in the car Jasmine was like "I love the Easter bunny, I can't wait to see him, I'm gonna hug'm!" And this before we even talked about the bunny bringing her anything at all. But just as I suspected, as we approached the bunny, her anxiety began to rise. She started to really tense up as soon as she saw him. I knew she wouldn't sit on his lap. So I forced her to anyway. Just kidding, I wouldn't do that :). It did make me sad though that I only got a picture of Shayden, but I didn't make a big deal out of it. For some reason any character in costume scares Jasmine. The ironic thing about this is that she has always preferred stuffed animals over dolls, so I would think she would love this live size fluffy versions of animals! But she doesn't. Oh well. At least she sat on Santa's lap for Christmas.
They did get these cute little bunny ears to wear though, and Shayden insisted I wear them too! Can you picture the three of us hopping down the mall with these on? Nope, that didn't happen either, but the kids did do it. We all had a good time.
Then we went home, I did Jasmine's hair for the big weekend and I took them to Babysitting Club. I was able to get some more last minute shopping done for their outfits on Sunday, (which I can't wait to see them in!).

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