Thursday, March 20, 2008

One Fun Day

My wonderful friend Leah (that lives in Idaho) came for a quick one day visit on Tuesday!In the morning I met her at the Red Lion Hotel where they stayed the night before and Leah and I just did our hair and talked and primped while the kids watched the Disney channel. It was so fun. We were supposed to go swimming but turns out the pool was an outdoor pool. Too cold for that. Bummer. Then we went to the Main Library downtown and played there for a good while. We read books and the kids played on the computers while we talked. After that we went home to get ready for Josh's (Leah's husband) birthday celebration, we basically just sang to him over donuts and danish. But they went out to eat at an Indian restaurant and I stayed and watched all the kids who just played happily. You should have seen the boys, the minute Shayden came home from school he was off and the boys played for 4 hours strait. The girls weren't as enthusiastic about playing together but they are definately improving. I say they will be good friends down the road.
When they got back they had to go and the day ended all too quickly!

But it was fun while it lasted.

0 had something to say!: