Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Because We Sing!

My friend Jen has been raving about this men's choir led by Marrilee Webb, so last Christmas I gave Jonas the news that I had joined him since I knew he would never do it out of his own accord. He says he can't really sing, but I know otherwise.

And even though he wasn't able to go to a lot of the practices, it ended up being a really powerful experience and at the performance in the assembly hall a couple of weeks ago, they sounded pretty amazing!

Here he is lookin' pretty sharp with Jen's fiance Brandon:
They did an oompa loompa dance that was a hit (especially with Shayden)!

~and check out the CD cover that Jen designed herself~she is awesome!

4 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

Very cool! Go Jonas! :) Wish we could've been there.

This is Us! said...

Wow, I didn't know he was in that choir....awesome!

BTW, when you decide to get rid of that railing and put in a wall, have Jonas call Clay and they can do it together! Clay has just all the tools you'd need, and they could have a "guys day out" (or in!)

Kailee said...

my parents said the concert was great! that cd cover is way cool!

Angie said...

That is so awesome! I would love to hear Jonas sing. I had no idea he could!