Sunday, March 16, 2008


I had to post that about a week ago I finished the rest of the Twilight series, I can't wait for the movie and the 4th book to come out!

5 had something to say!:

This is Us! said...

lol, you crack me up! Now you've reached your book goal for the year, right? As soon as I'm done reading my current book, I'm gonna check those books out.

I have a good life said...

Me either! I just finished Eclipse a week or so ago, too. I got it for my birthday from my parents. They are awesome. I can't wait for book 4. Do you like Edward or Jacob better? It is somewhat of a debate topic over here.

Kailee said...

some of the best books i've ever read. i can't believe how popular they are!!! personally, i think edward is WAY better than Jacob. but thats just me.

zeebee said...

Yes, that makes my reading quota for the ENTIRE year! crazy.

Okay, I like Jacob but I am totally rooting for Edward! He is so charming and cute and protective and respectful....swoon...

what about you guys??

Angie said...

Amen sista! I agree. Great books! Can't wait for the movie and next book. It's kind of a let down when you're done, isn't it?