Monday, October 6, 2008

Major "Ketchup" to do

I have some major blogging catchup to do. I don't know if it is just the routine that we are back in for school that has made me a lazy or if it is some sort of writer's block that has got a hold of me, but I have not been keepin' up.
Part of it is that not much has been going on. It feels so good to be back in a routine. I have been able to spend lot's of one on one time with Jasmine while Shay is at school and have been taking her to storytime, dance class and playdates with her friends. Plus she is in preschool 3 days a week which she loves. So I have found myself with alone time several times per week! It has been so heavenly, and it is going to be weird because with the new baby, right off the bat we will have time alone together periodically.
I pick up Shay and his friend from school everyday and then they have a little list (darn those lists I love!) that they go through, with their routine, and they have really fallen into it with ease.
We were having a really hard time with math homework, it was taking forever, but one thing that I have tried has been working. He gets 30 min of computer time per day to begin with and then I time him while doing his math. I actually let him choose how long it will take him, and he has been very reasonable. Then if he completes it under the time, he adds that to his computer time, over it subtracts from the time. He is happy to do these math problems. It has worked really well to get him on track and the other day he actually said to me "you're right mom, I am a math whiz!". I have always told him that, but lately he hasn't believed me.
The other thing that has been occupying my time, as previously mentioned, is that I am NESTING! I know it is kind of late, but as soon as school started I got this major bug to complete projects. I have this feeling like life as I know it is going to end in a few weeks (wait, am I going through a major life change or something?) and that I better get my home in order.
At eight weeks before my due date I started with a list of projects for each week. It has been great and so far I have accomplished some pretty big tasks like organizing my closet, the kids' closets, the coat closet and the bathroom cupboards. I created a better system for all my paperwork and got rid of SO MUCH CRAP! Last week I started tackling photos, yes the millions of pictures that are not sorted and realized that one of my new years resolutions is to create a baby book for Jasmine so I am on my way to complete that. But incidentally, I realized that Shayden's wasn't even completed so I just finished that one. This week I tackle the dungeon which is my office. Can I tell you how good this feels? Everywhere but in my back!

6 had something to say!:

suefoutz said...

the baby book is a major task! Good for you. now all you have to do is keep up with the new one and you will be set. You are wonderwoman so it should not be a problem.

Kailee said...

nice job...the baby book was looking good last time I saw it. By the way, I posted on my blog!

Jenny said...

So fun to have you guys the other night! - in spite of life's craziness we CAN find time to bond.. and MUST do it again before the new little one comes

Lisa M said...

What a fantastic idea with homework and timing him. Great motivation to get it done in a timely manner.

Lisette said...

Only a few weeks left, you gotta take advantage of them!

This is Us! said...

Oh, you poor thing, that back is still bothering you?

Good for you for getting all those projects done! Taking on all the pictures is a HUGE task...good luck!!!