Friday, July 11, 2008

Playdate with friends

Oh Boy do I have some major blog CATCH UP to do!!!
On the 11th of July we went to this awesome splash park in Herriman with some good friends.
It was very fun and I will definately be back to that park, it was small enough that you could keep an eye out for the kids easier than others but still had all the fun stuff that kids love including water of course!
The other really cool thing about this day is that my kids each did something new that they couldn't do before.
Shayden did the monkey bars!
I am so bad because at the beginning of the summer we went to a park and he told me he wanted to learn and I watched him and part of me thought "he is never going to be able to do this" but out loud I was like "oh yeah, you are totally going to get it, you just need to practice!" like a good cheerleader would. And now, hello, he did! I don't know why but I guess I worry about my kids "getting things". Silly.
Anyway, Jasmine also proved her monkey self by hanging on the bars like this:

She is a bit reserved on playground equipment and I had never seen her even try to do this so I have no idea where it came from except for watching other kids I guess. But that makes it also pretty cool that she was able and willing to do it.

Hooray for trying new things and practicing until you get it!

0 had something to say!: