This was the best date we have been in a long time. Jonas picked me up in a humongous Ken Garth Truck and we headed down to the Energy Solutions Arena where we drove right up the pavement and parked literaly on the property!
The rest of the pictures are bad because I only had my camara phone with me.
Then I got in my uniform (a blaze t-shirt), we ate dinner, and then we started working at the inflatables. My job was to give out the prizes to the kids (and grown ups) who got the football in the targets, and to stamp hands. It was fun because being at the center of it all, everyone is so excited and it is so high energy there.
The other thing that was cool is I got to see Jonas in action. He is so talented when working with kids. It was so great to see him interact with them, coaching them in throwing the football, he was totally in his element. I loved watching that.

Then a little after half time we started taking down the inflatables and we left. We drove trax down to Temple Square and just sat by the reflection pool and stared at this:

So beautiful. We just sat and talked and cuddled. It was a beautiful night and not very cold at all.
Then we walked down Main Street and saw the amazing construction pit, wow. SLC downtown is going to look fabulous when it is done! Then we were walking past Channel 2 news right at 10 so we stood outside and watched them do the news. I tried reading the prompter. That was funny.

After that we walked to our little car and drove to Leatherbys. We sat down and realized we had to pick up the kids in 15 min so we scarfed down our Tracy's PB cup, which was surprisingly easy to do between the 2 of us, and left.
Every bit of that night was perfect, it was so fun for us to be together, working and playing and doing something totally different than the normal dinner and rented movie. And it was the first Friday in a long time that I was still wide awake at 11! :)