I learned on the plane on Tuesday that Wild Oats is banning the use of plastic bags altogether and that IKEA is next. San Francisco banned them 1 year ago in the whole city.
I read this on the Chico bag site:
"Plastic bags don't biodegrade, they photo-degrade--breaking down into small toxic bits contaminating soil and waterways and entering the food-chain when mistaken for zooplankton or jellyfish." I didn't know that.
Jetblue's Earth day promotion (with the givaway bags) is called "One Thing that's Green". The premise is that each person can surely do one more thing to help preserve our wonderful earth. I remember thinking as a teen, how lame it looked to carry a reusable shopping bag into the store, but now that will be me. I am going to make a committment to try to use reusable bags as much as possible. The nice thing is that they compact down so little and they have a clip to hang on to your belt loop. So I am just going to keep a few in my car so that I am ready to go.
And that will be my one green thing. What's yours?