Wednesday, January 30, 2008

President Gordon B Hinckley

Each week I get an uplifting quote sent to my inbox by LDS Nuggets which I enjoy very much. How fitting, then, that I come across this one this morning, since my thoughts are on our wonderful prophet who recently passed away.

"Cultivate an attitude of happiness. Cultivate a spirit of optimism. Walk with faith, rejoicing in the beauties of nature, in the goodness of those you love, in the testimony which you carry in your heart concerning things divine."
--Gordon B. Hinckley, "
Words of the Prophet: The Spirit of Optimism", New Era, July 2001, 4
Sweet words to my ears and the epitome of what I think President Hinckley represented. He was such an ambassador of optimism. I couldn't help but smile whenever I saw him. But beyond that, he inspired me to hope for a better world. What a wonderful man.
* * *
I was on the way home from dinner at my parents house when my sister called me to tell me the news. I was shocked, sad and happy all at once. I had the distinct feeling last conference that we might not see him for the next one. Especially when he said "I am 97 years old. But I hope I will make it!" He always spoke with such conviction.
* * *
Shayden was in the car with me when I heard the news and of course there were many questions to answer. I love when he said "Mom, remember my fortune the other night at the restaurant? (it had said something about an old friend) I think it was talking about President Hinckley." and later "I feel like he was my friend, mom"
Me too Shay, me too.

4 had something to say!:

This is Us! said...

What a poignant way to put it...he felt like a friend. I never thought of it that way, but it's exactly right!

I have a good life said...

That is such a great post! :) He was an ambassador of optimism. What a great way to put it! I loved talking with you the other night, too. (This will also be long)...I always feel like you can tell who your true, really close friends are by whom you can talk to after an extended time of not talking and have plenty to say. You are a true friend. I am glad to call you my "sister."

The 7B's said...

I love that quote!

Kailee said...

That is so cute about what Shayden said. It just goes to show that kids can be just as great as adults, and definitely better too.