Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Weekend in Idaho

Where does all the snow go when it's too cold to melt?

Speaking of freezing temperatures, last weekend we ventured into even colders climates by going to Rexburg Idaho. We decided to take advantage of the long weekend and go to the open house of the new temple and of course visit my friend Leah and her family. And it just worked out perfectly that my friend Sarah was going as well so we drove together and split the gas! (jonas didn't go)
I finally took a picture of our friends cute little "cottage" in this snowy paradise.

And this is the view from our room.

It was so fun to see the kids grow closer together each time that we are with each other. I couldn't have asked for anything more than for us to have two boys that are the same age and two girls that are the same age!

The sister Li's ward got a bunch of tickets to the open house so they came up on Sunday night (we left on Saturday morning) and Leah and her family were nice enough to invite the whole gang over to their house for dinner that night. It was crazy feeding 14 people but it was very fun to all be together.

I love to hear Leah play the guitar, she has so many talents.

She even taught me how to crochet which is one of my goals this year! Now I just have to keep at it so I don't forget.

And then the most rewarding and perfect ending to a great trip was to go inside the temple and realize how blessed I should feel to live so close to so many of these little pieces of heaven on earth. A while ago Shay was really concerned that we couldn't tell him exactly what we went and did in the temple, and this was such a good chance for me to explain to him in simple terms that he could understand. It seemed to really interest him.

Look at how beautiful the temple is! Wow!

I couldn't believe how stunning it was against that beautiful backdrop of sky.

It is so comforting to have good girl friend that you can just talk to about anything and she will understand, be honest and lift you up. And not only that but inspire you to do good, be better, and improve yourself.

4 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

That temple is beautiful! And look how long your hair is! We miss you tons. My sis moves here this weekend! Do you want to move here, too?

You are right about the friends. Some friends are just awesome. Can't wait to talk to you!

Kailee said...

Wow, I looooove the temple pic. You got an awesome one with the clouds in the back and stuff. It looks soooo pretty. I love it when part of your blog is something you did with us. It's koolio!

Tara said...

Isn't that temple beautiful! The inside is gorgeous! You were only a couple of blocks from both mine and Mike's parents.

The 7B's said...

Don't lister to I have a good life, you can't leave me!!

Thanks for planning the dinner and next time you talk to L tell her thanks. It was awesome!