Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A New Year

I have taken entire college courses basically devoted to goal setting. I know they are supposed to be realistic, specific and trackable. But I don't have time to be wastin' on such things. I have been mulling over the endless possibilities in my head and these are the winning goals, just as they run off my tongue.

Be more productive with my mind--
Read one book per quarter (I'm almost half way through my first one!)

Take care of myself--
Wash my face every night

Learn something new--
Learn 10 key (I've had this goal for like 8 years now!)

Grow closer to God--
Take an institute class

Gain a talent--
Learn to knit or crochet

Family History--
Compile Jasmine's baby book (she should probably have one since she is 3 years old!)

Slow down--
Take up meditating again

Increase family together time--
Buy a board game and play it

Improve physical fitness--
Work out consistently

I know it is double my goals for last year but I am feeling ambitious this year I guess.

This year I am also going to have a word for the year--a word that for me sums up the focus self improvement and the innermost change that I want to occur.

My word for 2008 is going to be:

H ~A ~R ~M ~O ~N ~Y.

2 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

Great Goals! You can do it, Z!

I have a good life said...

Hey. I couldn't comment on the last I'm using this one! You are such a traveller! How fun! We love Fao S. It is fun. We went with K a couple of days before C was born. I guess it is time to go again. Miss you.