Thursday, September 6, 2007

Jasmine the Ballerina

On Saturday I took Jasmine to a little sample ballet class at this prestigious school that is just opening up downtown. I didn't really expect to enroll her but I thought it would be fun to try since I am looking at options for dance classes etc. She put on her cute little leotard and ballet slippers and was so excited all day! It was a very small class so they each got lot's of attention.

Afterwards we walked across the street to this quaint little bakery and splurged on the cutest little cupcakes and other confections.

3 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

What a beautiful ballerina! She looks so cute all dressed up like that! :)

The 7B's said...

The girls need to see this post.

This is Us! said...

Oh, she's SO cute!! I'll bet she loved it!
