Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of School

School started last week and I am behind! I can't believe that I have a first grader, my how time flies.

About 2 year ago I applied to a couple of awesome charter schools in my area. But because the demand is so high, enrollment was a lottery and we didn't get picked. Then last year, after 1/2 year in the regular public school in my nieghborhood, we had the opportunity to change. It was a very hard decision but I feel that we made the right one.

Now I am feeling especially grateful that Shay has the opportunity to go to this amazing school, built brand new this year, with state of the art technology, an awesome principal, the list goes on and on.

It is a lot like a private school in that they wear uniforms and the curriculum is very rigorous, but is free and all about parent involvement which I LOVE! One of my favorite things about it is that they start teaching language at the 3rd grade level instead of 8th grade like most public schools in Utah.

I can't wait to get in the classroom and start volunteering!

3 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

Awesome. I am jealous of the Charter school thing. There really aren't ones over here. There are a million private schools...90% of which won't accept "Mormons" because we won't sign their statement of faith, but no charter schools. I am so happy that that school is there for S. What a blessing.

This is Us! said...

Wow, what a cool school! I can't believe they teach language so early. I've been looking into charter schools for a year or so now, but hadn't heard any personal testimonials. I think we're gonna start applying!

The 7B's said...

What do you mean they don't teach language? I think my kids have been learning to speak/read/and write for a while now. Do you mean a language other than English? What do they teach? It sounds like an awesome school.