First Jasmine started Joy School!
Then our close friends the Brenchley's came for a visit:

And finally some cute braids, courtesy of my friend Jess (thank you)
Posted by zeebee 4 had something to say!
Labels: Family
This post is dedicated to my friends. I had a really bad monday this last week. Everything just seemed to go wrong. Plus my babysitter had called late the night before and she couldn't watch Jasmine for me and I had this mandatory meeting to go to so I was frantically calling people to ask for a favor, not fun. Turns out everyone had conflicts. So I reluctantly called my friend Wendy (who has a newborn-4 kids total right now!) and she said "sure!" I was so relieved. Until right after lunch Jasmine fell off of the barstool in the kitchen. Oh great, but when she calmed down pretty easily and laid down for her nap, I thought everything was fine. I woke her up right before we were scheduled to leave and she said her foot hurt and was "stuck". She couldn't move it! She couldn't stand on it! Now I was frantic. Change of plans, I guess I am going to the doctor instead of my meeting. That's when I got a call from my friend Jen who got done with what she had sooner and said she would be happy to take my kids, how nice, but no longer needed. And as I was headed out to pick up Shay from school, Katie calls and insisted I bring Shayden over to play while I take Jasmine to the dr. It was so comforting to feel so much care and concern pour out from all over. I really think it made the difference, because my attitude changed. I was able to just focus on the problem at hand and how to help Jasmine feel better.
Turns out much to my surprise, more like shock, her foot was not broken! It was a bad sprain, but not broken. And she wasn't complaining about the pain or anything, in fact this is her soon after we got home and were icing her foot:
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
My blog has undergone some changes lately. The cute new look was not so cute when some people couldn't see it. So I hurried and changed it. This is the last time for a while, I promise. But if are looking at this and it is distorted or you can't see the pictures or any other problems, please shoot me an email or comment, thanks!
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
We were invited a few weeks ago to go camping with my very good friend Jen and her family last weekend. It was a service project to chop wood at none other then the campground that we used to go to for girls camp all those many years ago.
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Vacations
In celebration of Autumn I am turning over a new leaf --symbolically in my life and literally on my blog! Time to shake things up a bit with a fresh new look!
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Musings
I've been tagged by the cox family corner and so here goes...
1. Who is your man? Jonas, my DH
2. How long have you been together? we met over 10 years ago! our big 10 year anniversary is in May! wow
3. How long dated? we dated for about 8 months and then were engaged for 6
4. How old is your man? 35 he's six years older than me
6. Who said "I love you" first? I think he did, wow that was a long time ago-but I said it right back!7. Who is taller? Jonas, thank goodness, or else we would be "one of those"
8. Who sings better? I am not a singer-he has done show choir and musicals, although he still doesn't believe he sings that well and he refuses to sing his old Big River songs for me :(
9. Who is smarter? We are smart in different ways--like he is very smart in practical ways that are useful in daily life while I am more, read-a-book-and-then-take-a-test-on-it kind of smart.
10. Who's temper is worse? that is definately mine
11. Who does the laundry? me, mostly.
12.Who takes out the garbage? both of us
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I have switched over the years. Right now I am on the left side.
14. Who pays the bills? me
15. Who is better with the computer? him, for sure
16. Who mows the lawn? him, I have never mowed a lawn, spoiled, I know.
17. Who cooks dinner? both of us, I love that he can whip up a good meal.
18. Who drives when you are together? him, he doesn't like it when I drive anyway, which works for me.
19. Who pays when you go out? him, typically
20. Who is most stubborn? me, hands down
21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? mostly him, although I am working on it.
22. Whose parents do you see the most? mine live down the street(well almost), his live across the country.
23. Who kissed who first? he asked me and then kissed me
24. Who asked who out? he asked me out to a nice spagetti dinner at his apt
25. Who proposed? he proposed to me~it was awesome! He is very romantic.
26. Who is more sensitive? I am way more sensitive
27. Who has more friends? Friends are very important to both of us, so we both have lots!
28. Who has more siblings? there are eight kids in his family, so that is double the amount in mine.
29. Who wears the pants in the family? He likes to kid and say me, but it's not true, we both do.
I tag my darling sister...
Posted by zeebee 3 had something to say!
Labels: Family
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Outings
Posted by zeebee 3 had something to say!
Posted by zeebee 3 had something to say!
Labels: Family
So Thursday morning of last week I all of a sudden got the brilliant idea to go across the country by my self with 2 kids. Madness!
Posted by zeebee 3 had something to say!
Labels: Family