Tuesday, April 24, 2007
The phenomenal inner workings of the female form...
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Family
Sunday, April 15, 2007
This is Jonas doing what he does best--making the kids laugh! They were cracking up as he threw them both over his shoulders on the way home from t-ball practice. That is, until I decided to take a picture of the scene.
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Family
Thursday, April 12, 2007
My friend Leah
I have this friend Leah that is so great, we met in Logan and now she lives about 5 hours away and I miss her. We had such fun 2 days of catching up, hanging out, watching movies (rent Date with Drew, it's hilarious) and eating yummy foods. We went to the rec center and swam and the kids had a blast playing together. Wednesday the weather was finally nice and we got to go play at the park. We have boys the same age and girls the same age, how perfect is that?
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Labels: Family
Easter Sunday

We had such a great weeklong celebration leading up to a very spiritual, calm and reverent day. First of all I woke up and headed downstairs to my little office to work at 4am and was so bothered by the fact that it was raining! How gloomy, not the weather that I pictured for the perfect Easter Sunday. And then, as if right on Q, when I finished working at 8am, it was the wonderful after the rain sunny-ness, the earth smelling fresh and renewed. Perfection!
We had church services in the morning, then the family came over later for dinner at our house. It was very pleasant and good company. I had resolved to have nothing to do with the Easter Bunny on Sunday, however I had forgotten that for the past few years the cousins have had a tradition where they create an egg hunt with for the little kids with the eggs that they got the day before. How nice is that?
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Holidays
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Fishing with Faith

Posted by zeebee 2 had something to say!
Labels: Family
Our Spring Day Celebration 2007!

I debated whether to to cut out the Easter Bunny altogether, I'm not sure how I feel about him. But alas, I decided that he can have a place in our celebrations, with a little tweeking.
The kids were presented their egg hunt baskets filled with a few things that I have been collecting over the past few weeks, little things, these were from us, their parents, imagine that? And on the way out the door they found these little plastic eggs with their names on them filled with goodies--these were left by the Bunny. The kids loved this although it was bad placement by the bunny himself because unsuspecting Shayden stepped right on his plastic egg and cracked it! Whoops!
Then were were off to the first egg hunt. We opted to try the Barnes and Noble variety, a bit of a dissapointment though but they did get a few cute Easter Bunny stories read to them.
We made a quick stop to play with the cousins in Kaysville on the way to our meet our friends (a mission companion of Jonas' and his family).
Then the real treat was an egg hunt on the our friend's parents beautiful property in Mountain Green, UT. Wow, I am always in awe when we go there, it is so peaceful and serene, it feels so heavenly. They raise trout and have created this man made lake. The kids searched for eggs all along this beautiful scene of greenery, it was awesome.
The kids took turns out on the lake in the canoe, which they always love.
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Holidays
TGI...Spring Break!

On Friday however, S woke up and kept asking me what we were going to do for fun? What kind of question is that? As if we don't have fun everyday for heaven's sake! Nevertheless, his cute little longing face inspired me to forgo the usual housework and head for the hills, well not really although it was a beautiful spring day, but to the Children's Museum! What a great place for a kid to be! We made a quick stop at the library's story time and then our good friends treated us to the museum on their membership and we were there for 4, count them, 4 hours!!! But they were not ardeous hours, they were fun hours, that went by quicker than expected. Sooo much pretend play there, which is my favorite kind...here you will find some of my favorite pics...
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Family
Friday, April 6, 2007

Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Holidays
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
April Fools!
So much to my dismay, it seemed that all my pranks were going to backfire on me. DH didn't wear the right shoes, S picked up the quarter that I had "glued" on the sidewalk with ease, etc. But alas, at the end of the night I finally got DH when he was innocently trying to type a letter in Word and couldn't figure out why it popped up April Fools! every time he would type "and". Hee hee. Equally funny was when he went to brush he teeth before bed and out of the toothpaste tube came what looked like a bug (or worse) which was really just a piece of raisen. So in the end I did get a laugh.
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Holidays
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Oh Hilary Weeks!!!

Posted by zeebee 2 had something to say!
Saturday Fun 3.31.07

Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Labels: Family