Saturday, September 12, 2009

Visit from our Texas Family!

We love when our Texas family comes to visit, we are so glad it has become pretty much a summer tradition, I hope it stays that way forever!!! One of the most memorable things that we did while they were here was go to the new Oquirrh Mountain temple open house.

We went out to eat before.

Me and my cutie little nephew that I love so much!

The boys with their Guatemala shirts that my parents brought back.
I would just like to thank my sister who let me steal some of these pictures from her blog. Ok I did it without permission, sorry.

3 had something to say!:

Lisette said...

Ok. I don't care if you steal my pictures but you should at least only take the ones that you were present at. The one with the two girls and two boys was at our second time at the temple and I don't think you came that time. Just fyi. I'm glad to see you are working on your blog. I just had to write a long message since you wrote a long one last time.

I have a good life said...

Love those pictures....and I don't care WHO took them. We are family and I love it. Thanks for your continuing love and support...both to you and Li. Hope you are having a great traveling/learning time! :)

This is Us! said...

lol, I love that you stole them!!! Great example for the primary kids, eh? Just kidding; it looks like you all had a WONDERFUL time!