Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Christmas Carol Event

In June, (I know, this is seriously out of order, but obviously I am beyond caring) we went to the big Disney event in Ogden to promote the new movie coming out this Christmas. It was fun and the kids, my mom, and I rode the frontrunner for the first time. We met our cousins there of course.

There was a horrendous amount of people there. My niece Kiki forgot to bring a book to read (tragedy) so she picked up Shayden's Magic Treehouse book to read while we were in line, which she finished. She is 17 mind you.

The actual exhibit was in a train car.
It was all these really cool interactive ways to tell about the movie. They did an awesome job and we will definately go see the movie. But wouldn't we have gone to see it anyway? Probably.
Then we got to see a 3D movie preview in another train car. Pretty cool.

After the event we went to eat at my favorite little place in downtown Ogden called Bagels and Buns. They have the cutest little outside eatery too.

0 had something to say!: