Sunday, September 27, 2009

Trip to Six Flags Amusement Park

I won some tickets to Six Flags Magic Mountain in California literally 2 years ago and for some reason or another we were not able to go every time we tried. Jonas called and got the expiration date extended like 4 times!!! Way to go baby! It was totally worth it because we finally all got to go together as a family this summer. This was one the the highlights of the summer for the kids even though it was a short 1 day trip.

Jonas just wanted to show off his stong muscles, just kidding, I made him pose this way. Doesn't he look awesome? He is the Superman of our family.

Oh boy, this is a funny story. So Shayden is a sucker for all rip off carnival games. He always begs us to play and we say forget it. Well my dad gave them each $5 to spend so it was his money and we decided to let him learn this lesson the hard way. He had his sights set on of course the biggest Sonic stuffed animal there was. So hard to earn right? Nope, the guy totally gave it to him the machine wasn't working right. And then they played again and earned a medium size stuffed animal, which Jonas gave to me. The man even gave Tayevion and Jasmine a small one so we walked away with 4 prizes! Not exactly the lesson I had intended, but of course Shayden was happy as can be!!! Look at his face in this picture, it totally says, "ha! I showed them!".

Jasmine being silly when in reality both of them are pretty wimpy when it comes to scary rides.
Now Jonas, on the other hand is a total thrill seeker. He went on as many of the scary rides as we could drag ourselves to.
It was a very fun packed and tiring day!

1 had something to say!:

Knighton's said...

Sometimes I really miss those flight benifits. What a fun way to spend the day.