For our anniversary Jonas surprised me and arranged for us to go to LA for the day. My sister was gracious enough to take our kids and it was so nice to have a whole day with only my hubby!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Anniversary Trip to California
Posted by zeebee 5 had something to say!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Exactly one year ago today, I was here and exactly 10 years ago today I was here, getting married to a wonderful man.
Posted by zeebee 2 had something to say!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
~My 100~
I started this list forever ago and then forgot about it. Here it finally is. Sorry it is so long. I think it will be fun to read a long time from now. I hate to tag people but you should try this it is pretty fun to think of so many things! So here goes...
1. I enjoy my birthday very much but ironically I share it with my mom, who hates getting older
3. I did a state report on Louisiana when I was in the 5th grade and then I married someone from there.
4. I have a degree in Social Work and even though it is just an SSW, I consider myself a "Social Worker"
5. I could write a book with all of the romantic things my husband has done for me, and someday I might.
6. One of my worst fears is getting the forehead “scowl” wrinkle
7. I truly believe I couldn't eat enough ice cream but I am trying to set limits on my portions
8. I cry at the wrong times, and I cry often
10. I love the smell of ajax and irish spring soap
11. Yard sales are one of my favorite things in the world
12. I enjoy using big words
13. My marriage is the most difficult and most wonderfully rewarding thing in my life all at the same time.
16. My idea of labor is quite different than most, for me it’s a process of hard work that I get to experience and then feel elated at the reward at the end.
17. It is impossible for me to sneeze once
18. I sleep so hard that it scares my husband
19. I have a problem with thinking about or touching my clavicle, it used to be both of them, now it is just the left one.
20. Seeing any kind of skin disorder or rash, makes me cringe so bad
21. I am the youngest child in my family. And that explains a lot.
22. I love a bargain so much that I sometimes buy things I don’t need because they are such a “great deal”.
23. I seem to remember only random odd things and very important memories are gone if I don't write them down.
24. My sister is one of my best friends
25. I have lived in Guatemala, Houston, Washington D.C., Salt Lake City, Logan, UT and Rexburg ID.
26. I wish I had more "tangible" talents like playing the piano, or being a great singer
27. The fact is, I really can't sing well, but ironically I sing with my kids A LOT
28. When I am around someone a lot, I start to develop their mannerisms
29. I wish I knew my U.S. and world history better
30. A clean home is one of the most relaxing things for me
31. I started wearing glasses for the first time in the 8th grade. I lost them within a month.
32. I am forever indebted to my sister in law Cat for taking me to get my eyebrows waxed
33. You see, I have savage eyebrows
34. I want to live outside of Utah but have mixed feelings as to whether I want my kids to grow up the teen years somewhere else.
35. I actually like public speaking, sometimes love it
36. I don't remember my dreams
37. I have callous' on my feet
38. I think holidays should be celebrated in a BIG way
39. It's hard to have such a unique name but I have grown to love it
40. I speak spanish, not extremely well, but I do
41. I have a love affair with wild flowers

43. I live a very compartmentalized life
44. I like to use social work terms like that
45. I have my dad's feet, not great when you are a girl, thanks to my brother for pointing that out to me.
46. I have to have a set time set aside for each task--I struggle with not regretting too much.
47. In high school I used to be able to talk on the phone for hours, now I can barely stand a few minutes-but email me.
48. I love party planning and I want to own a reception center some day, I wanted to be a wedding planner but I don't think I have the sense of style, so instead I will own the place where it will all happen so that I can be close to the planning.
49. I love to set goals and love even more to achieve them
50. I want my kids to grow up to be good people
51. I have a small obsession with my kids having good manners
52. I have no sense of style, I rely on others for this
53. I LOVE being pregnant and I find that oddly wonderful
54. I am pregnant right now! yes, this is an announcement
55. I put my foot in my mouth all the time
56. I feel like I am always in a hurry and I still get to places late
57. I am not a creative person by nature but if you give me ideas, I can tweek them and make something really great
58. I have no idea how to accessorize so I wear very little jewelry
59. I would like to learn how to hypnotize myself
60. Friendship is very important to me

62. I look up everything on the internet-largely because of #57
63. I want to be a doula some day
64. I wear my hair up too much
67. I wish I had taken debate in High School
68. I loved going to girls camp even though I don't enjoy camping
69. Someday I want to write a book, about what? I have no idea
70. I brainstorm "ideas" for business' all the time
71. There was a time in my life when I did enjoy country music. I don't think I will go through that phase again.
72. I secretly love to shop thrift stores
73. I talk too loud
74. There are movies that I could watch over and over again and never get sick of them. I put them in to cheer me up, for example steel magnolias and the wedding planner.
75. I am allergic to cats
77. I hate pity and will avoid it at all costs
78. I am facinated by the diversity of this country and dream of living in different parts of it all the time
79. I am pro-peeps

80. I love to say things for shock value
81. I am definitely more liberal than conservative
82. I have a strong testimony of Jesus Christ as my Savior
83. I think the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me is to have been born on my mom's birthday (and my due date no less!)
84. I think of letters to people in my head all the time, most of which I never send
85. I want to visit Africa and the Amazon jungle someday, so many other places too, but those are the top 2
86. I am a selective perfectionist
87. I love the library
88. I am a morning person-and I am not afraid to say it!
89. My husband and I managed a shelter for victims of domestic violence for 3 years--we lived there.
90. I love pretty much anything with lemon and salt
91. I have a really bad temper and I hate it
92. I have lived in this city for so many years and I still get lost all the time
93. I want to get lasik surgery someday
94. I have a fear of becoming blind like my grandfather was
95. NYC-I want to live there so badly, but I can't so I will visit as often as I can.
96. After getting married, we went on a month long honeymoon to Florida.
97. I love knowing all of the kid activities going on in my city and taking my kids to all of them
98. I talk in my sleep, apparently mostly in Spanish
99. As a kid we used to drive from the states all the way to Guatemala
100. My kids call me a silly mom all the time. I am silly, and kind of quirky too.
Posted by zeebee 9 had something to say!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day 2008
The night before Jonas surprised me and took me out to dinner. He also brought over some beautiful flowers from our neighbor's garden (with permission, of course).
Then at church the Young Men and Young Women did Sharing Time and Singing Time and so there was so little for me to do it felt wierd. I am used to running around for 2 hours. So that was nice.
After church there was stuff to do but I took a nap instead. A long one. It had been a really long, hectic week so it felt especially nice.
This year Jonas was in charge and he decided to make us Shrimp Etouffee. It was so yummy! Not only did we have a fancy dinner, but the men had us ladies sit down first and then they served us! The brought out an awesome salad as the first course and homemade strawberry lemonade!
Posted by zeebee 2 had something to say!
Labels: Celebrations, Holidays
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Mother's Day Picnic
Shayden's school had a fun little mother's Day picnic on Friday. He was so excited for me to go. I don't want that excited-to-have-your-mom-come-to-school feeling to ever go away even though I know it will eventually. In the meantime, I will enjoy it. First we sang the hokey pokey and a couple of other silly songs together and then we sat and ate our lunch. We had to eat in the gym because it was rainy off and on that day. I decided to bring us both Kids Meals from Wendy's. He thought that was great. I didn't get a lot of good pictures but I did get this one of him holding the present that he made and wrapped for me. Inside was a book where he had written a few journal entries about things we had done together. Except it was interesting because he made it all up. For example, on the one where it said "When you took me to a fun place...and he wrote...and we played lazer tag in the park...well that's great but have never done that. I thought that it was kind of funny that he couldn't pick one of the millions of fun places we have gone together, he had to make one up. :)
It was also really touching that while I was opening my present some other kid was over by him trying to get him to go play. And Shay said to him, "Just a minute please, I need to spend time with my mom right now". And the kid kept bugging him to go and Shayden wouldn't budge, he kept putting him off until I had finished reading the little book. I thought that was great. What a great kid I have!
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Jasmine's Joy School Graduation
We had a little graduation for our little Joyschool class of 2008. It was really cute. The kids sang songs that they had learned throughout the year and then we made them wear tablecloths for gowns and put on the cute little caps and pose for pictures with their diplomas. Most of them were like "what is this you are putting on me?" but they did it, because everyone else did it, and also because there were donuts at the end.
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Celebrations, Parties
Jonas' birthday week
Jonas' actual birthday fell on Date Night Friday so I wanted to do something a little bit different. I wanted to take him up to Silver Lake and have a picnic but the weather wasn't good enough for that, and I am so glad that I changed the plans.
I was looking at go city kids (which just changed the website and I am not sure if I like it) and it said that Hilltop Gospel Choir would be singing at the First Presbyterian church downtown. This sounded very interesting to me as we both love gospel choirs, of course. We got there and were blown away by how good it was! We loved it and I think we were the only ones in the audience clapping and really getting into the music, it was awesome!

Then these sister's, The Cadet Sisters got up to sing and once again we were amazed. They are 5 sisters that all have sang practically from birth and they are so good. They are so cute, all of them.

These girls, wow, they had no problem getting up and speaking (and singing) of their beliefs, if only I could raise kids that would be so strong and faithful, it would be so wonderful.
There is another sister that is about 8 that is also going to join the group when she gets a little bit older, she sang a solo and I think it was the most adorable thing I have ever seen. If only I could record that and play it to my kids as a lullaby, I would be in heaven.
It was so neat to be in another church and feel the Holy Spirit witness to me that what they were singing about was true, I love that as Latter Day Saints we are encouraged to look for truth everywhere, and there was a lot of it there. We bought their cd. We were really fortunate because the Cadet family is moving out of the state and so this was a one of a kind performance that will not be happening again for a long time. It was so spiritually uplifting and we left that place feeling so happy! And best of all Jonas loved it.
We also had a birthday dinner with the family. Usually we combine it with mine and my mom's birthday but this year we decided to give him his own special celebration:
For his birthday I also asked that Jonas' friends and family from literally all over, send him birthday wishes via email. The response was so overwhelming and if any of you are reading this --Thank You--! It was such a neat thing to hear him each night, reading everyone's messages, he was truly touched and felt so much love.
Happy birthday to my wonderful Husband! I am so glad that you were born!
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Celebrations, Family
Birthday Flowers and My birthday Card!
Posted by zeebee 4 had something to say!
Labels: Celebrations, Holidays
Friday, May 2, 2008
My birthday Week
Other highlights of my birthday week included going to see Iron Man which was surprisingly good, free Ben and Jerry's ice cream, almost free Baskin Robbins ice cream, and a cute little work party where my friend Sally also made me a delicious strawberry cake, but that one I don't have a picture of.
Posted by zeebee 6 had something to say!
Labels: Celebrations, Family, Holidays
Saturday Fun 4.26.08
Last Saturday with my work we went to the children's museum. It is so fun to see the kids learning from playing so much. They had a fun time working together with the huge ball contraption that they have.
And then later that night Jasmine had a birthday party to go to so I suggested that Jonas take Shayden on a little date just the two of them.
I sounded like they had a lot of fun.
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!