Then that night we went out to eat and came home and gave the kids baths and put them to bed, then more catching up by us adults.
The next day we went to church together and relaxed some more. We were supposed to leave on Tuesday but because of the WEATHER we ended up having to leave one day early, on Monday morning early early! So that was not fun but it was still worth it to be with good friends. We will have to go again now since we didn't get to do any sightseeing and also because we didn't even get to see our other friends the Bennett's who live like 3 hours from where we were. Another time.
Jonas did get to see his cousin who lives right in Raleigh--whom he hadn't seen in like 15 years!
And now for the other dissapointment. I didn't take any pictures! I meant too, I wanted too, what happened to me? Correction, I did take ONE picture. Of the Raleigh Temple. It is right next to their ward building. Cool huh? very pretty.

So I have no pictures to show of their beautiful huge home or cute little son Beni or ANYTHING! except the beautiful temple.
And then on the way home since we were going to have a 5 hour layover in NYC we hopped on the train and headed into the city for a couple of hours. I wanted to take Jonas to the
Sony Wonderlab which I loved when we went a while ago, but it was closed on Mondays (remember we were supposed to be there on Tuesday?) and so we ended up scrapping that plan and finding by fluke this cool APPLE store with tons of computers to sample including some really cool games on kids sized ones! The kids were in heaven and didn't want to leave until we told them our next stop was one of the biggest (and coolest) toy stores in the universe!
FAO Schwarz
Oh boy, they loved it there, it was like a feast for eyes, so much to see and do! We could have been there all day instead of just one hour.
And we got to play on the famous piano from "Big"!

Anyway, then we headed back to the airport and off we went. And we diverted all the bad weather which was good.
And it good to see that someone was very excited that we were home:
So the day after we got home, I decided I had had it. I didn't care how cold it was, I was going to vacuum and clean the car, enough was enough. So after carefully spending all of my precious alone time while Jasmine was at Joy School, narrowly escaping a bad case of frostbite on my fingers, I got home, even dried off the car, wiped the inside a bit, the works. Only to find this scene as I went out to my porch a couple of minutes later...

I am a bit irritated with the weather right now.