My cute Jasmine turned 6 in July!

Jonas had to work so me and the kids set off for a day of fun. We went to Classic Fun Center for most of the day, and Boondocks for a little while too.
Here are some pictures of the fun stuff we did.

Playing on all of the inflatables.

Swimming at the kiddie pool.
Shayden even took
Taye down the slide!
Shayden also tried out a couple of the "big" slides. He wasn't daring enough to use one of the boards that would make him go fast though. But last year he probably wouldn't have even tried it, so that's okay.

They also playing this in the blast zone shooting
nerf type balls at each other, rode their scooters on the roller skating rink, played in the arcade, and more that I can't remember.

And as you can imagine, in the end they were pooped!
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