Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Messy Party!

Our friends the Kissi's hosted a "Messy Party" and it was all about the mess, let me tell ya! The kids had so much fun! There was a big pile of flour for them to roll around it as you can see, a bowl of jello, big bowl of spagetti (which made a disgusting combination to play in) edible playdough, sand, bubbles, the works. Then they hosed off in the backyard where there were several pools, sprinklers, etc.

Luckily for me, Jasmine was mostly interested in getting wet, not so messy, hee hee.
Shayden, on the other hand, had a pinata head when his hair mixed with water and flour.

And the picture of the day was most certainly this one of Jaya, who by far won the award for messiest of all!!! Wendy, are you still getting the "paper mache" out?

1 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

What a great and unique idea! How fun!