Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Fishing and Friendship

Our last day together was Monday and Jonas took the boys fishing. They were so excited to go but a little disappointed that they didn't catch anything. Oh well. Leah and I stayed behind and chatted about everything, it was so good to be with her again.

Friendship is so important to me, I truly believe that our friends are our little angels that carry us through life. I am so happy that Shay and Kai can also be good friends. They have known each other since they were 2 and I love to see their friendship evolve.

It was sad to say goodbye but Leah will be coming to SLC to visit soon!

1 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

Your vacation sounds awesome! sorry I hadn't commented on it yet...each time I read about it I had been nursing. I love your blogging frequency right now. It is so fun.