Wednesday, August 1, 2007


So my friend Jen said I had to go see Hairspray because she was obsessed with it and she was right, I had to. Not only because let's face it I like things are a kind of quirky, but because I am one of the few people who remember and actually was a fan of the 1988 version of this movie. So I had to see how this one compared! At first I was a bit skeptical, (especially about John Travolta playing a woman!) but he definately won me over and now I am hooked! I love the main character--Nikki Blonsky and with Michelle Phieffer you can't go wrong. Thank you Jen for letting me go see it with you and for the soundtrack the minute I got in the car to go! It's all I listen to now!

Leatherby's really deserves a post of it's own because of the special place that it holds in my heart, but I had to mention that we went to get icecream before the movie.

We didn't even have to look at the menu, Tracy's PB cup all the way baby! love it love it love it!
It was just nice to sit and talk especially since I don't get to see her very often. And getting a babysitter in the middle of the afternoon for no other reason but a grown up playdate? How unconventional! How risque! I love it!
Okay enough with the quirkyness but now that I am obsessed too, I've been thinking...what is better than seeing this movie with a good friend? Seeing it with a theatre full of girlfriends!!! So ladies, if you are interested in doing something a little out of the ordinary like getting a babysitter in the middle of the afternoon to go see a matinee, then stand by because the date and time will be coming soon!

1 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

Awww...are you coming to Texas for a grown-up playdate? I can't wait! :) I haven't seen the movie, but I have heard tons of good things! I think there are a lot of movies out right now that I want to see. Way to go getting out with the girlfriends.