Posted by zeebee 2 had something to say!
Labels: Family
It was a good grandparent bonding day.
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Family
Decided to go out and see what was brewin' at this event since I had heard about it several years but never been and it was very worthwhile.
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Family
I have been meaning to take the kids to this exhibit at the Utah Museum of Natural History, it was well worth our time, and the frogs were from the Audobon Aquarium in New Orleans, very cool.
When we got there we were pleasantly surprised that they were just starting a "Mad Science" presentation that was pretty facinating. And this guy was pretty interesting.
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Labels: Family
So my friend Jen said I had to go see Hairspray because she was obsessed with it and she was right, I had to. Not only because let's face it I like things are a kind of quirky, but because I am one of the few people who remember and actually was a fan of the 1988 version of this movie. So I had to see how this one compared! At first I was a bit skeptical, (especially about John Travolta playing a woman!) but he definately won me over and now I am hooked! I love the main character--Nikki Blonsky and with Michelle Phieffer you can't go wrong. Thank you Jen for letting me go see it with you and for the soundtrack the minute I got in the car to go! It's all I listen to now!
Leatherby's really deserves a post of it's own because of the special place that it holds in my heart, but I had to mention that we went to get icecream before the movie.Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Parties
Our last day together was Monday and Jonas took the boys fishing. They were so excited to go but a little disappointed that they didn't catch anything. Oh well. Leah and I stayed behind and chatted about everything, it was so good to be with her again.
Friendship is so important to me, I truly believe that our friends are our little angels that carry us through life. I am so happy that Shay and Kai can also be good friends. They have known each other since they were 2 and I love to see their friendship evolve.
It was sad to say goodbye but Leah will be coming to SLC to visit soon!
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Vacations
The next day was a relaxing one we went to church with our friends in the morning, then we relaxed at their home. They live in the cute little "cottage" really far out in the country. I wish I had taken a picture of it. They live on this huge piece of land that is owned by Josh's parents, for now. They have done so much work to their home since I was there last summer.
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Labels: Vacations
Well we had a great weekend visit to Idaho to see our friends the Chase Family. We just think they are wonderful. So we headed out late Friday night and after a series of dramatic events, arrived at about 11pm. Went to bed and woke up in the morning and headed to Yellowstone National Park. It was beautiful as usual and the drive brought back so many memories for Jonas and I as we drove back and forth from Rexburg to West Yellowstone quite often during our "courtship". We had a great time reminicing, exploring around all the geysers and gases and wildlife. It was so relaxing to be out in the thick of nature again. Love that.
The boys even became Junior Rangers! They were so proud of themselves!
But we did see plenty of these, nice view huh?
more gas :)
Our night ended with a stroll around West Yellowstone which will always have a special place in my heart (sigh). Then we went to Playmill Theatre where Jonas was a big star back in the day and the new owner treated us all (all 8 of us!) to see the play that evening which was none other than...
See How They Run
which Jonas acted in 10 years ago this summer!!! (He was Clive). It was so great to watch again, the cast this year is amazing, get out to see them if you can it is such a fun atmosphere. I would have been thrilled had it been Big River because of course that is my favorite but nevertheless it was a priceless moment to relive those memories in a way. We took all 4 kids which was an adventure and we got home (to the Chases') way later than expected (midnight), but it was well worth it.
Posted by zeebee 0 had something to say!
Labels: Vacations
Our friends the Kissi's hosted a "Messy Party" and it was all about the mess, let me tell ya! The kids had so much fun! There was a big pile of flour for them to roll around it as you can see, a bowl of jello, big bowl of spagetti (which made a disgusting combination to play in) edible playdough, sand, bubbles, the works. Then they hosed off in the backyard where there were several pools, sprinklers, etc.
Luckily for me, Jasmine was mostly interested in getting wet, not so messy, hee hee.
Shayden, on the other hand, had a pinata head when his hair mixed with water and flour.
And the picture of the day was most certainly this one of Jaya, who by far won the award for messiest of all!!! Wendy, are you still getting the "paper mache" out?
Posted by zeebee 1 had something to say!
Labels: Parties