Friday, June 15, 2007

Document Document Document!

So at work (EHS) they are always telling us that if it isn't documented, it didn't happen.
I am starting to wonder if this doesn't apply to my real life. Last weekend we went to Raging Waters, the big water park here and then on Wednesday we went to Lagoon, our one and only amusement park. The only problem is I didn't take my camara either time. How am I supposed to be really good at this blogging thing if I don't have proof that things happen? Oh well...

Raging Waters was Jetblue's company party and I even vindicated myself by winning a pair of Six Flags tickets! Okay, background, last year I came SO so SO close to winning an entire Getaways Package (that's hotel--car--and airfare) not once but twice!!! So this year I was determined to win something and even studied up on my Jetblue trivia. I felt very good after winning. Unfortunatly DH had to work but my friend Leah came into town and she and her son came with us, and it was good to see her again.

My niece K works for Lagoon so she let us go for one of her family days! That was very nice of her! So it's been a good first week of summer break but now I think we need a break from the sun...Nah!

1 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

You party animal! How fun! Can't wait to see you!