Sunday, June 24, 2007

My bags are packed...

I HATE dissapointments. I hate CANCELLED plans.

Friday my dad and I were SUPPOSED to go to Washington D.C.

We were going to my cousin Zaidy's WEDDING.

I was REALLY looking forward to it.

But the flight on the way HOME didn't look good at all,

or I should say FLIGHTS, because we had like 4 options.

NONE of them looked good.

But I really WANTED to go.

I had ALREADY made all the arrangements, child care, etc.

My bags were PACKED...

I had a distinct FEELING we shouldn't go.

But I REALLY wanted to go.

That morning EVERYthing went wrong.

We got to the airport and we would have BARELY made it on the flight but--I had to draw the line.

Sometimes you have to listen to that little VOICE, even if it is not the popular choice.

I was pretty bummed but I felt COMFORT in the fact that we made the right choice.

Oh well...

1 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

I am so sorry. That sounds like a very tough decision. I am glad you made the right choice and listened.