Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mixed up Weekend

Friday I woke up (after the airport fiasco) and was determined to have a fun day out with the kids. But that didn't quite work, we went to one store and to lunch at the park and I was pooped. I had been up most of the night. We went home and I crashed. Friday and Sunday are nap days at our house. But of course this was the one day that neither of my kids would take a nap for the life of them!

Then later I went to my parents house to drop something off and I ran into some old friends and we hung out for a while and that was fun.

That night I dropped Shayden off at a birthday party and Jasmine and I met some friends at the WestFest. The kids rode carnival rides and had their faces painted. We even brought home some water frogs for our fishtank!!

Saturday was another crazy fun day~

My sister Li came into town and we traveled the valley looking for tickets to see Transformers! It's for the advance screening and our husbands really want to go.

Then this is what happens when the two of us and our million kids find a yard sale that is giving everything away! The kids were hilarious to watch! They totally scored on dress up clothes and halloween costumes!

Then we went to this yummy buffet for lunch with my parents--good thing we were starving!

It was a good day.

0 had something to say!: