Thursday, December 31, 2009

Abish; Faith Among the Lamanites

I was given the assignment by a very inspired Young Women President to portray Abish, from the Book of Mormon, who if you recall, was very briefly mentioned and one of the only women mentioned at all. At first I didn't even remember who she was. She has now become one of my favorite heroes from the Book of Mormon.

There is a fictional novel written about her story, that was recommended to me in order to prepare for this role. Wow! What a great book! Pick this one up if you can, it is a great read. I think sometimes you read a particular story in the scriptures and you think, that's kind of cool, but there is so little written that you quickly move on to the next story. It was amazing to me to think about this one little story and one possible scenario of how her life may have gone. It made me realize that there is so much more history behind every little story, and I can't wait to someday sit at the feet of some of these great people and hear the true version of how this all came to pass in their own words.

You can read more about the book, here.

As you can see, there were characters from all of the scriptures and church history at this activity. It was about how just one person could really make a difference in standing for what you believe. We were all in the cultural hall and the youth were to roam around and ask us questions. They were supposed to try and quess who we were. Of course no one knew who I was. Jonas was asked to be himself, isn't that awesome? After that, we all got to tell (in character) who we were and how we had stood for what we believe.

Jonas and Abish

2 had something to say!:

This is Us! said...

I've always loved Abish, but I have to admit I've forgotten some of her story....this book is now on my "to read" list!

Lisa M said...

So fun! You look great.