I am happy to announce the birth of our cute little son, Tayevion!
Born on October 29th, 2008 3:35am wieghing in at 7 lbs 11 ounces (good thing he was 10 days early huh?!)
He is so healthy and snuggly and sweet as can be! We are loving having him in our family.

The proud mama and papa:

Here's how it all played out:
I had been having tons of contractions all of Sunday and Monday, but I went to the Dr. on Tuesday morning and she said that although I was almost at a 3, I was not effaced and the baby wasn't fully in position yet. She said "I think you will be fine until after Halloween". So I left reassured that things were going to go as planned. Yeah right. So that night I went to this Halloween thing with my kids and the whole time I kept having these really hard contractions. Some were to the point that I had to actually stop what I was doing, and concentrate. It was really wierd and not fun, especially because I kept thinking that this was more false labor and I was going to have to go through this every night for a week. Little did I know I was in early labor. So I left that night and went home and of course of all the luck I couldn't get a hold of Jonas to tell him I wasn't doing good. He was working late. Finally I was able to talk to him and he rushed home. We called some family to tell them what was going on just in case, and made arrangements to take the kids to my wonderful friend Chandelle, just in case. I kept thinking things were going to slow down and go away but they didn't and I had a really hard time wrapping my head around the fact that "this was it", I was really in labor!
Well to make a long story short, I was in pretty active labor because by the time we went to the hospital at 1am I was at 7cm and he was born 2 1/2 hours later! Those two and a half hours felt like an eternity, by the way. But overall it was a very good experience, I didn't even have to have an IV, no catheter (which to me is like the worst part ever), and not even any tearing. But best of all I have a wonderful, alert and content little boy as a result. So worth all the effort!
Recovery has been great and I enjoyed the time at the hospital where everyone is really to wait on you hand and foot. Now I am home and reality hasn't yet hit. Soon I am sure. I have 3 kids!
Here's a few more fun pictures:

The kids were thrilled of course and it was so cool to see the look especially on Shayden's face because you could just see all these emotions in his eyes after waiting for so long for this to happen. And oh it was so funny, the first thing that Jasmine said to me was "Mom, you tricked me." And completly surprised I said "How did I trick you?" and she said "You told me the baby was going to be born after Halloween!" I gasped and said "I did trick you!" Of course then I explained how I didn't mean to and that baby's sometimes come when you don't expect them to, but it was so funny because so many months ago I needed her to have a reference point, so that she would stop asking me if the baby was going to come that day!

Another cool thing is that he was born on my brother's birthday! So that will be a cool bond that they will get to share!