There are not words to describe the measure of amazing that was our trip to ARUBA. It will forever remain in my heart and the memories will continue to taunt me with a combination of painful longing for what was and joyful reminder of the beauty and rest that existed there.
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I think I couldn't write about my trip last week, even though we were home, because it was too fresh. I wanted to be happy that I was back and revel in the memories but instead I longed to be there again and cried because it was over and went by in a flash. Okay I was really not that pathetic, I didn't even cry for real. I just felt like it and occasionally (only when Jonas was in the room) would let out an exasperated and dramatic cry of AHHHHHHahhhhh fake tears. It helped me get through it okay? I don't know what was going on, I have never missed a vacation in quite this way. Now that I think of it, it was similar to the feeling of let down after girls camp was over as a teen. But anyway, it was sad to think oh, last week at this time we were here....and remember just last week when we were here....oh boo hoo hoo, I am over it now and I can write about it.
So here it is and beware, it's long...
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On Monday night we dropped our kids off safely in the home of my sister and her family. So incredibly nice of them. Then we took the red eye flight that night and didn't get to Aruba until Tuesday at about 2pm their time (EST). Our friends Leah and Josh flew out to NYC with us where we changed planes and they stayed there all week and then we flew home together.
So I took my first taxi ride (surprising, I know) to the resort and wow, we were stunned. It was gorgeous. I had seen it online but it didn't do it any justice. Here is a picture of the lobby.
At the bottom of the lobby, there was a boat dock where a boat would literally come in and pick you up and take you out to their own private island. So cool. So we got settled in our room and actually took a nap, we were so tired, then got ready and went out to explore.
We saw a cool cruise ship docked.
Then we went to this awesome festival that they have every Tuesday night called the Bonbini festival which means "welcome festival" in Papiamento, the language that they speak there. I had really wanted to drink from a coconut while I was there like I had in Guatemala and that is the first thing they were doing when we walked in. We also ate authentic Carribean food that night.
The next day was our 9th year anniversary! We totally overslept but it was nice. When we woke up it was 10am but the curtains in our room were so thick we seriously thought it was still the middle of the night. It was so funny. Then went down to the lobby and got wisked away by the little speedboat out to the litte private Rennaisance Island. There we found the most relaxing, inviting hammock sitting right on the ocean with no one else in site. We laid there and just stared at the beautiful sky.
We literally could have stayed there all day and been happy. But we eventually got up and explored some more of the island (and met lot's of roaming flamingo's and iguanas in the process) before heading back to the mainland. Jonas even got to drive the boat!
Later we went shopping at all the cute little shops
and then took pictures on the beach with our newly bought all white clothes. (that was Jonas' great idea)
We had dinner outside at a cute little restaurant and when we got back to our room Jonas, the ever romantic, had arranged for sparkling cider, chocolate covered strawberries and rose petals all over the room! How sweet!
The next day was "tour day." This was the one thing that we really splurged on. You see, Aruba is not really a tropical island, it was born of a volcanic eruption. Though amidst all the imported palm trees you would never guess it, on the other side of the island is this huge National Park made up of pretty much desert, caves, tunnels, etc. So they took us out in these indestructable Land Rovers (One tour guide and 3 rovers so basically anyone who wanted to drive it could, crazy!) into these really rough areas and I think, well, we all thought we might die at one point or another. Very exilarating!
We went to these old gold ruins.
We were almost eaten by ostrich :)
We saw a famous Natural Bridge created by the ocean.

We snorkeled at this amazing lagoon called the Natural Pool.
That was incredible! The tropical fish were so close! It was breathtaking.
Then we had lunch, saw some caves and then snorkeled some more at a place called Baby Beach where Jonas left his sandals, woops!
By the end of our tour we were pooped of course but it was our last night so we had to keep going! We walked on the beach for about 2 hours that night, just holding hands, sinking our bare feet into the sand. It was so relaxing. One of these beached (Eagle Beach) was once named one of the top 10 beaches in the world, so pretty. We would stop occasionally and rest in one of the beautiful hotel lobbies. We watched our last sunset on Aruba.
Then we drove to see the famous lighthouse but none of those pictures turned out. On our way back to the hotel we were starving and stopped and got take out from Wendy's! so funny!