Monday, April 13, 2009

Trip to Boston/Charlotte's Web

This is long overdue but a few weeks ago we flew over to Boston to see my brother and niece in the play Charlotte's Web. Their stake was putting it on and it was a huge production. They did such a great job but unfortunately I failed to charge my camara's battaries so I went to take pictures, and couldn't. I was so bummed.

So I don't have any of my niece but here are a few with my brother, who played Homer Zuckerman. It was a really big part and he totally nailed it. (He's in the overalls.)

3 had something to say!:

This is Us! said...

So much fun! Your brother looks perfect for the part in those overalls.

This is Us! said...

PS. Is Jonas' blog gone? I couldn't get onto it.

I have a good life said...

Awesome! I wanted to go sooooooooooo badly, but it didn't work out for DH. I am glad you guys could, though!