I read somewhere that 90% of people break their New Year's Resolutions before Valentine's Day....
so does it increase my chances if I don't start my resolution until after Valentine's Day?
I decided I wasn't going to do a huge list this year like last year (not that it wasn't right for last year). This year I am taking a more simplified approach.
My word for 2009 is going to be ~Balance~ and I am going to work on this in the literal and figurative sense.
This is going to be the year of the Yoga! I have wanted to experiment with this for some time now, since it goes hand in hand with the meditation/relaxation exersizes I love to do. My goal is to set aside a few minutes each day to meditate and breathe. I need this! I am going to involve the kids in this goal, we used to do this together and they loved it. But we stopped taking the time.

As has been the case before, I was procrastinating writing this post so that I would not be accountable, but not anymore. I need to balance things things that occupy my time better.
Burning in my mind is something that I heard at education week last year. I don't know the speakers name because she wouldn't let us take notes, but she was talking about the kinds of evil that enters our lives. She said that most of us will never really be tempted to starting drinking alcohol, take drugs, or murder someone etc. But the evil that does enter our lives is being too busy. Sounds pretty harmless right? Yeah it did to me too, but she talked about running around being "too busy" all the time and doing too much (including not saying no) to really focus on what is most important. That really stuck with me and is the basis for this year's goal. Balance.