Saturday, September 27, 2008

The thing about kids...

The thing about kids is that sometimes you can't help but scream at them and sometimes you just want to scoop 'em up and sqeeze them so tight!

That drives me crazy sometimes. Isn't motherhood great?

I have had this post in draft for a while and I need to record a couple of funny stories and cute moments.

While waiting outside the line at the National Archives in D.C. there was a man who's son (around age 6) was misbehaving, and the dad wasn't doing anything about it. Finally Shayden turns to me and whispers "That dad is making a wrong choice, he's not even giving that kid any consequences!"Then the even funnier thing is that he thought about it for a couple of seconds and said "I wish I had a dad and mom like that!" ha!

The other day Shay was playing at a friends house and when I went to pick him up my friend said that he had randomly said to her "Katie, being a mom is hard work huh?" I thought that was cute. Then another day he turns to me and says "mom, what's it like to be a mom?" I said, "it's hard because you are always worried about your children, more than yourself. And it makes your heart grow so big because you never thought it could hold so much love" Then he said, "Do you know what it is like to be a Dad?" and of course I said no, then "Well, someday I will tell you if I am one."

I caught Jasmine "reading" to Daisy who was grateful for the company:

The day after Shayden got his new glasses (the day after!) he took them off and left them on the grass at a yard sale! I was freaking out of course, I am very good at that. Mostly because he had just gotten them but also because the insurance that we bought only fixes them, not replaces them. He felt so bad, he said that he would use his own money to buy new ones. I suggested that we say a prayer and so we did. We went back to the sale and miraculously enough someone had found them and turned them in. Only after stepping on them though. So they were pretty beat up. But that's okay as long as we had them! Shay was pretty impressed and happy and when we got back in the car he said "I better thank Heavenly Father for helping me!" and he said another prayer. What a good lesson. Oh and a good lesson for a stressed out mom because I got to apologize later for getting so upset about the whole thing :) On a side note, since then he has really shown a lot of responsibility with taking care of his glasses and has had just a couple of close calls, not bad.
And one last picture of Shayden being a monkey in the doorway (caption: "mom, hurry and take a picture I can't hold it much longer!")

8 had something to say!:

Cozette said...

cute love your kids i love to babysit them they are so cute and fun. i also like your blog its so cute. i just wanted to say one more thing Jonas i didnt know you had hair!LOL!!!

Yadira said...

Those are great stories. The kids say the funniest, and yet very wise things. Sometimes I think, well, I guess I'm not doing a bad job after all raising these kids. One day braden just out of the blue said, 'Mami I love Jesus, when is he coming? which i said, " He will come soon!. Lately we have talked alot about the second coming and they just don't forget about the things we teach them.

I have a good life said...

Your kids are so cute! Don't I have some of the cutest nieces and nephews ever!?! You are such a great mom...I learn so much from you all the time!

Melissa said...

I know exactly what you mean!!! Loved the pictures. I especially loved the one of Shayden climbing the wall. It was awesome. How's the belly feeling? =)

Jenny said...

I love that Daisy, she's such a sweetie! -- Ahhh the glasses drama!! -- It's hard to keep track of so many things when you are a kid!

Yvonne said...

Thanks for sharing your sweet stories. I just love it when Moms admit motherhood is really hard at times! I think there are too many who pretend it's perfect all the time.

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

Your kids are about the cutest kids I have ever seen! I absolutely love Jasmine's hair. THat was so nice of Jonas to come up on Sunday. We wish we could have seen you and the kids. We can't wait to meet the new baby!!!

The 7B's said...

I love it! I'm so lucky that I get to see their funny side regularly. I am glad that you blogged about it cause then I get to hear some of these funny things that probably would not come up in everyday conversation.