Friday, November 9, 2007

Halloween 2007

Well I'm back from my trip! But first comes Halloween 2007~

Before I went out of town, I was feeling pretty bummed about missing Halloween so I decided to get my kids all dressed up in their costumes and take them to a little Carnival that was going on at a Rec Center here. I'm so glad I did! I felt like I got to be a part of the holiday and they had fun of course.

Jasmine was Cinderella and Shayden was a "Slizard" (part snake part lizard, we weren't sure which one it was so we gave it a new name).
In Guatemala of course they don't celebrate Halloween (or so we thought). We were very surprised to see costumes for sell at the department stores, my cousins all going to various costume parties and we even some kids Trick or Treating in the town of Antigua! That was when I missed my kids the most but we got to stop at a little internet cafe and call them that night right before they went trick or treating with thier dad!

While I talked to Jasmine she said that she was a princess. I asked her if she was Cinderella and she said "No, I'm Snow White!"

Turns out that morning her and Jonas were out shopping and she saw a Snow White costume and charmed daddy into buying it for her! (Jonas argues that he bought it because it was half off)

So here are my cute little munchkins:

0 had something to say!: