Thursday, July 26, 2007

Jasmine turns 3!

Jasmine had a birthday on Monday!
It was Shayden's year to have a big party but Sunday night we had a family celebration for her and her aunt Li who shares her birthday month. I attempted to make a pony cake and the result was, well quite scary.
Good thing she could care less.
Fortunately for us, my sister's neighbors have 2 beautiful horses! And given Jasmine's previously mentioned obsession, this was the perfect addition to her party~

As you can see, she was LOVIN' it!

Then on the actual day (Monday) we took her to the float preview party. It's where you get to see firsthand and vote for your favorite floats before the Pioneer Day Parade the next day. Guess which float got her vote? I had to vote for a different float and I'll explain that later...

This was my favorite picture of her birthday! And these cupcakes turned out much better than that hideous cake I made on Sunday. We sang to her and she opened presents.

1 had something to say!:

I have a good life said...

Hey! Wish we could have been there. We miss you!