It has taken me too long to get this up and instead of giving a detailed itinerary of what we did, I just want to post about the overall feelings that I had during my family's visit.
If I need to remember more detailed events, I can just go to my sil's blog, where thankfully she gives a very detailed account of our 4th of July festivities, and other madness. (And she even drove home from Utah to Texas, so I have no excuse!)
Cousin Time

I think the most memorable thing that happened for me this trip (other than the actual Baptisms) was the cousin bonding that went on. Each day was filled to the brim with play, play, and more play. They were inseperable!

It was just so fun to see them get to know each other so much better, see who's personalities meshed more, see who had inherited what traits from our side of the family, etc.

We spent an afternoon (and night) making them all matching shirts (13), each had their name on the back. One of my nieces made the comment "I'm gonna keep this shirt for a very long time!" It was so sweet!

And it was literally heartbreaking to see them say goodbye to each other. As hard as it was on me as it was, seeing how sad the kids got compounded it so much more!
I have such a different relationship with each of my siblings. We are very far apart in age but somehow that doesn't really matter anymore. I was a little bit sad to be the only one not staying under the same roof with them, but I can say I took every opportunity to be there when I could. It was so good to all be together at once. I dream of my kids someday being as close to each other as I am with my brothers and sister.
And what a blessing for my parents to be together with all of their kids and grandkids!!!
This will definately be the highlight of my Summer 2007!!!